Friday, November 18, 2005

The Driveway Show

This morning there was a lots of stuff going on at our house. Dad has his first doctor visit after his leg surgery. Mom came home early from work to take him. She was running all over looking for things - medicine bottles, walker, chair with wheels, 1 shoe, winter coat, gloves. She kept saying "Crew, move" and we had to run to get out of the way!

Then she had to take him out to the car & put the chair with wheels in the trunk. We were sitting on the throw up couch, watching from the front window. She said a lot of swears!

It was a good show - much more interesting than what we usually see in the driveway! There was so much excitement, it wore us out. We had to nap the rest of the day.


At November 19, 2005 1:08 PM, Blogger Shaggy and Scout said...

When our dad had cancer taken out of his leg he couldn't walk he used crutches for a long time. You gotta watch where your tail is with those things.

At November 20, 2005 8:13 PM, Blogger Ivan from WMD said...

My mom laughed a lot about the throw up couch since we have one too! She said she's going to start calling ours that.


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