Monday, December 18, 2006

My "au naturelle" Look


As you can plainly see, I'm not wearing my collar! I keep getting out of it 'cause I prefer the au naturelle look.

I've gotten out of my collar lots of times already, but until now Mom always found it and put it back on me. This time I pestered Tipper until she told me her hiding place for her last collar that she hid. That's the one Mom never did find!

So last night Mom thought she'd be smart and find my collar so she went upstairs and looked around... nothing!! Then she went down to the basement and looked around...nothing again!! Then she decided to check the first floor (which is where we mainly stay) a second time ...NOTHING!!! Now Mom's upset 'cause she has to order a new tag for me.

Hahaha! I'm never telling our secret hiding place.

Oh, wait a second...I hope Santa doesn't count hiding your collar as a naughty thing. I do want that feather-butt mousie really bad! George says Santa sees everything so I suppose since he saw me hide it and HE knows where it is, he won't count it as a naughty thing!

(sigh) Mom says she knows Santa personally, so that means she'll probably tell him to bring me a new collar. Well, it'd better be pink 'cause that's my color!


At December 18, 2006 1:38 PM, Blogger Ivan from WMD said...

Could you have hidden it where Maggie did?

At December 18, 2006 2:53 PM, Blogger Bonnie Underfoot said...

Misty, a lady nefur tells her beauty secrets. I agree that pink is yur color, but I've been au naturelle a couple times in the last few monfs. It started when my woman replaced my collar because it was, how did she put it, "snarky." I shredded the next one scratching at it and it got caught in my mouf a few times, so she got anofur. I dropped that one at my man's feet one morning.

At December 18, 2006 3:42 PM, Blogger Madness, Trouble, Squish and Milkbone said...

Oh look at those cute toepads. Bubbles also always loses his collar, but somehow we always find it again. Even though he gets out of it outside.

At December 18, 2006 4:15 PM, Blogger jenianddean said...

The first time Maggie hid her collar Mom asked her and she got so excited she went and found it for her. She learned from that and didn't tell her this time. But after almost being stepped on a few times I think she's happy to have it back on. I won't wear one at all, though.

At December 18, 2006 4:48 PM, Blogger Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We refoos to wear collers. mum yoosed to try to make us but she gave up.We got nasty plants growing unner our furrs though case we efurr get lost.

At December 18, 2006 5:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, it's me Fat Eddy. Thanks for coming to visit. I don't know what's up with the blog thing. When I look at my blog, I see my beeutiful self... and yes, if you can please send me the link again. Thanks for letting me know the problems.

At December 18, 2006 5:52 PM, Blogger Just Ducky said...

OH Misty, I losted mine collar for a week last year. But mum found it under the blankie later in the week. But they usually give up finding them and just get you a new one.

At December 18, 2006 7:57 PM, Blogger Jake and Bathsheba said...

Misty, we don't like collars even though we do like to go outside. Mom had to give up on us because we always managed to "lose" them. I used to wear one a long long time ago, but I decided that was long enough. Mom once had a lady from the other side of the woods return it because she'd found it in her yard. She thought that something might have happened to me, but, no, I was home safe and sound much to Jake's chagrin.


(Oh, and tell George that we live 30 miles from Washington, D.C. - please, no political jokes - and while we had a hard freeze last month, unseasonably warm weather since then has tricked some of the flowers into thinking it is now spring.)

At December 18, 2006 7:59 PM, Blogger Big Piney Woods Cats said...

Yes, pink is definitely your color. I am wondering what mine is.......Momma says purple, but then she is all purple nuts. I really don't want anything around my neck anyway.

Oh, Momma says she doesn't get the runtime errors anymore. Did you fix something?

Precious Flower

At December 18, 2006 11:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

the teenagers tried to get collars for us, but the Lady sez no cause we haf extra fluffy necks an she duzzn't want anyfing in the way of her pettin' our fluff. if Santa's annoyed 'bout the collar thing, let us know an we'll send ya sum rattly fev-ver butt mousies - just don't tell.

At December 18, 2006 11:53 PM, Blogger Rosie & Cheeto said...

Yoo dont need the collur...yoo know whare yoo live. But werd of advice...if its yer collur or the feather-butt mousie we'd get used to that collur vary quick!

At December 19, 2006 12:16 AM, Blogger Socks, Abby, Blackie, Dexter and Bonnie said...

LOL...I "lost" my collar a while ago, then Mom moved us...and she cant find anything now. I expect that the collar is gone for good...

Well, I can hope

~ Socks

At December 19, 2006 8:18 AM, Blogger Kukka-Maria said...

I never suspected you would pose nude, Misty! I always thought, if there were going to be naked pictures on your site, it would be Tipper.

She's crazy like that!

At December 19, 2006 9:34 AM, Blogger Gemini said...

We don't have collars and at the rate everyone is loosing them, I think it must be a good thing.

At December 19, 2006 9:52 AM, Blogger Christine and FAZ said...

I hate my collar too, especially now it's got three bells to stop me trying to catch the little robin red breast who lives in our garden. I don't know how to get it off though - any tips Misty? Faz

At December 19, 2006 11:58 AM, Blogger Zeus said...

George, I admire how both you and your human pet play mental warfare on young Misty. Excellent work, but know when to say when on using the Santa Excuse to get behavior in line.

At December 20, 2006 12:59 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

Misty - I've heard my Humans whisper that maybe I'm going to get my first collar as a Christmas present as I'm almost big enough to wear one. I thought they were a good thing, but they must not be if you won't wear one. Oh, dear. Send me some tips on how to get them off and where to hide them. -- Maggie Fu


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