Can Someone Explain This?

Last night I had relapse to some kittenish behavior. Being more of a solitary guy, I usually hang out on the top shelf of our perch in the evening. Oh yeah, sometimes I go by Mom and sit on the cushion of the love seat for a few seconds, but be on a lap, or lay in a kitty pile -- ALMOST NEVER --it's just not my style!
But, on with my story. George was on Mom's lap as usual. I don't know where Tipper or Misty were, but they're not part of my story so it's not important anyway... I'm just setting the scene here. I wandered over to the couch and decided to lay by Mom, next to George. It was so warm and comfy, to my surprise, I started kneading (some of you call this making biscuits) on George. I got so carried away I started licking his head which I've never done, and then (and this is the part that's so embarassing) I actually put my mouth on his fur and sucked like I did when I was a kitten with my catmom! Mom petted me and said it was OK, that George didn't care 'cause he was sleeping and that it's OK for a grownup guy to do kitten things sometimes.
But I'm a little worried 'cause I've never done such kittenish behavior since I was a kitten. At least I can't remember doing any! Do you think there's something wrong with me? You don't think I'm weird or anything do you? I mean, after all I'm not a baby any more...I'm 3 years old...I'm second in command here... I'm a Catolympic Gold Medal winner, I'm in Kukka's Tomcat Stable, I was a Mr. Litterbox contestant... I'm a Mancat, not some wimp or something! Have any of you other guys ever had this happen? I need some advice from other guys, quick!!
Max, sorry, no advice for you, since I'm still technically a kitten, but I think you're fine. You are definitely still a Mancat. I've never kneaded myself, but I do love to dig. Yep, I try to dig into the bed covers, my humans clothes, or basically anything that isn't solid.
You're still very much a mancat. Don't worry about that! I sucked on my mom's ear(s) for a loooong time when growing up, and now I sometimes bathe Abby (even though mom say's she's like a small, furry squillion), and usually that's a mom's job. I personally think it takes a REAL man to show his paternal/kittenish side!!
Only a true mancat is comfortable enough with his masculinity to let down his fur and be a kitten again!
You're perfectly normal Max! Not that I am a cat psychologist or even a human one, but I watch mine do this and they are all 4 adults too, some related, some not. The most "maternal" (gets suckled and pummelled) is a big guy. In human behaviour, I think we might assume that this is looking for comfort of some sort. In cat behaviour, I think it more likely indicates that they already feel secure enough in the relationship. Like Max was confident that George wasn't going to bite his head off! With the possible undertone that Max is acknowledging George's supremacy in the pecking order, if you consider that when a kitten/cat makes buscuits on it's human, it is saying that it sees you as some sort of parental figure. I see it as love, unconditional and unadulterated.
Well, I am a girl, but I still love kneading and makin' biscuits on my Mommie. Do not worry, you can be a mancat and still knead.
Nefur happens to me; Can't get close enuf to Bonnie. But I snuggle Mom lots an groom her hair. I fink you was feelin purty good, content, an safe. Good fings!
Now see, Max, the problem isn't that you behaved that way. The problem is your guilt!
Guilt is just your irrational feelings overriding your intelligent mancat brain. Enjoy life and all it has to offer, and leave guilt behind.
Hey, buddy.
Don't you worry. You're still a ManCat.
Just yesterday I admitted to kneading and drooling, and it's OK to let yourself open up once in a while.
ManCats can be sensitive, too...
Max, now calm down. I'm almost 3 myself, and I sometimes exhibit those 'haviors. Mommy says that it means your really happy and secure and loving. all furry good mancat traits. - Sammy
The other guys have just about said it all. One day I found myself *licking my mom's face!!!
Sometimes things just come over us ...
I agree with the others, you are still very much a mancat...Monte.
Oh, dat just means yoor secure and happy. Doze is furry good mancat trates. Sadie's furry impressed dat yoo were so loving. She's a gerl, er, akshooaly a woman cat. She's mature, she's had babies for pete sake and she sez it's okay.
Max, Dood, you're ok! We think that you are just relaxed and comfortable in your surroundings. That's all.
Don't worry about it dude. This will probably increase yer mancat status cuz gurlz love sensitive dudes! We even admit being momma's boys!
It's a good thing! It really does mean you are secure and happy. Chicks dig secure and happy mancats! Knead on!
Its all good dude. I snuzzle in human necks and purr and drool and knead but I'm very manly (and very secure in my manliness). I'd say you're just adding another dimension to your sweet manly self. The chick's dig it!
I think you were just happy. and... it is all family, so it's not like you were doing it on tv or anything like that.
Hey, your secrets are safe with all of us... none of us is snickering about that. I am a soffftie myself actually
Don't worry Max, your'e still a big man cat. I lay on my Mommy, knead her and make purring noises all the time.I'm just letting her know that she'smy parent.You were just letting george and your Mom know that they are your family.
Max, yu don't need to worry. It just meens yoor happy and contented. I'z 10 yeers old and I STILL suck on mine paw pads like I did when I wuz a baby. And I'z the biggest mancat in this howse!
I do that too but I do it with the big teddy bear on the bed. It is just a good way to really relax. So no issues, you are still a great ManCat.
Awwww you are so sweet with your kittenish behaviour!! I think doing that occasionally is very becoming in a tomcat. :D
Hey Max, it's good to know that other Mancats do the same thing. I'm six and I still become kittenish once in awhile. We have to show our softer side.
High 5 paw,
Maybe Misty's rubbin' off on ya.
Deep down, you were just lulling everyone into a sense of security. Really, you were tasting George, and testing the strength of his fur and skin. You were smart to do it in a way that was cute and didn't get you into trouble. I have to remember this for future use on Buddah...
Happy Mother's Day to yoor mom!
Happy Mother's Day!
Hahahaha.... Sorry but I had to laugh. But I think its OK to be a kitten once awhile :)
Max...I just got chills thinking of you sucking on MY fur!
Aaaaaah. Kitten-like behavior is hot.
Did I just say that out loud?
*giggle*! Mancats all have an inner kitten. I'm a girlcat, and I do lots of purring and kneading, especially on my mom and on her yellow jellybean. And MaoMao, my brother who's a young mancat, purrs and kneads in Momma's hair and in Brainball's fur. So you're not weird at all -- you are a mancat who is in touch with his inner kitten.
I think it's fine Your still a very manly mancat :)
So, Bro, the others have pretty much said it all. But, I'm gonna throw my 2 cents into this conversation anyway. I can't imagine a day going by without jumping on my lady peeps tummy and settling down for a good batch of biscuit making. Rather than spend time worrying about this, I'd be thinking "Hey, I just found a new way to show my peeps that they're mine and I trust them completely. You should teleport by my house sometime and watch me laying on my back, kneading the air while I get my tummy and chin rubbed. Spectacular...I guess so.
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