The Dog Visit
Daisy and Shasta were visiting this past weekend. My brother George really doesn't like them. He gets very nervous and tense when they're around and will swipe his paw at them if they come too close. Max isn't as bad and he just mostly stays out of their way. I don't know what the problem 'cause no one will tell me about it. But I guess whatever it is, it's their problem, not mine.
She couldn't get a picture of all of us, but here are some others. That's Shasta (the younger dog) on the cushion behind me, next to Tipper.
Has anyone noticed that I'm almost as big as my sister now? Dad says I look like a teenager with a skinny body and long legs, but you can't tell from these pictures. I don't know what a teenager is 'cause I've never seen one, but I think I look fine!!
Misty, I think you are growing into a beautiful ladycat! Those doggies look cute. They have nice faces, so they must be friendly. And they have curly furs, just like me!
I'm glad you two are nice to the woofies, they seem pretty nice.
Misty you are a big girl! You're turning into quite the nice young lady.
Aw, such great pictures of all of you! And I bet woofies are lotsa fun once you get to know 'em.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Misty, you is a fine young lady!!
The woofies look nice, as woofies go.
If you like the woofies, then fine. You can keep them occupied so they stay away from George.
what a nice furry family you all are! we noticed right away how much bigger you've grown. we were at that "teenager" stage when our Allergic Girl got back from a 3 week trip to Europe. when she left, we were little fluff-balls. when she came back, she said "WHAT HAPPENED TO THE KITTENS?" kitties sure do grow up fast, don't we?
Oh Misty, you are beyootiful! I'm so happy you like woofies cuz we gots one now. Mom sez it's not staying fureffer but he's furry cute and I like him a lot. Daddy sez I'm weerd cuz I love all the aminals that haf come into this howse. I can't help myself, I love effuryone! Speshully yoo, yoo haf such lovely fur and beyootiful legs and *blush* I'm getting mushy in public, I'll shut up now~Adoringly yoors, Speedy
Fiona here: I am very curious of these woofie creatures, I like to sniff there legs and tails.
you are very brave to get that close to the woofies!
Our neighbor cats live with a big golden retriever/lab woofie. The cats totally are the boss of her. The mom says she was "raised by cats."
Mom says I'm in that awkward teenage stage too. -Scout
Meowz Tipper! I am going THIS weekend to see Dragonheart...I will let efurrrry one no how the trip went. We will do lots of fun stuff 4 sure.
Glad you had fun with the dogs! I haven't seen one since I was a very small kitten. I heard that they can be nice though.
You look like you are all having a nice relaxing time there on the couch.
Misty, I am adding you and the whole Crew to the Pablo Fan Club memberlist. Welcome! You will find the club pledge in the sidebar.
I love pictures of doggies and kitties together. So sweet!
You certainly have grown into quite the little lady, Misty!
It's very nice to see you gettin' along with those cute doggies!
Visitors, what fun!
Misty, I thought you were all grown up already! You sure are a big cat if you are as big as Tipper.
Mommy thought the dogs were cute...I have to admit I think they're only ok. Ok, b/c I can chase big dogs!
Dogs. Meh. You turn your back for a second and that "friend" of yours will turn on you.
You just wait. Forgive for the octopus, but NEVER FORGET...
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