Mancat Monday - Max
I feel very Mancatly today! Want to know why?
So, I plan on spending most of the day on my top shelf. In between naps I'll snoopervise the birdies & chipmunks and later on I might have a bite of lunch and patrol the house, checking out each room. Then when Mom gets home I'll give her my full report.
It's going to be a good day!
Wow, your mom TOLD you you were in charge? That's cool. I AM the cat in charge, but no one tels me that. I often have to put the bitie on the others if they try to get to cheeky. My mom's going into work today for a bit, I'm gonna ask if she'l tell the others I'm in charge. It would make my job easier, I think.
Hi Boss Kitty!
Make sure that you get enough naps for such an important position!
Wow Max- that's GREAT! Mommy never tells us who is in charge, but I'm the oldest, so it must be me, right? - Sammy
That is a lot of responsibility, Max. I am sure you will do an excellent job, because you are very mancatly.
Very responsible position you are in there! x
That's very responsible of you. I don't know that anyone has ever left me in charge--perhaps because I'm in charge no matter what?
Being in charge is the best, isn't it? Have fun!
MAX!! you look very mancatly for sure! Protecting the innocents is a noble job!
it is very important to be in charge! I gets to be in charge sometimes too..... and I LIKE it!
Yoor furry lucky Max, mom sez I can't be in charge cuz I wood just sleep thru effurything. She sez dat is furry manly and dat dad duz dat too.~Speedy
Hi Misty, yes, I dream about yoo. I dream about us chasing fev-vers together in the sky and snuggling on my pillow and *blush* noze kisses wif yoo.~Yoor adoring mancat Speedy
You have quite a big responsibility, don't you?
I am sure you will do or already did a good job.
You look very mancatly in your photograph.It's a real honor that your mother put you in charge. She obviously trusts you a lot.
I'm quite sure nothing went wrong with you in charge today!
sounds like you haf effurrrything under control Max ~The Fluffy Tribe
Max, you have a very important job! :) It is great that your mom recognizes your responsibilities and told you that you were in charge. :)
Wow! Your mom must trust you a lot! That's a very responsible job. And a very important skill for man-cats to have! I'm sure you did a great job.
Persephone and I are gonna try and find face-twins, since nose-twins wouldn't work, we're each other's nose twin already!
Wow! You were give a vewy important job Max! I'm sure you had a gweat day!
Wow! That's a pretty important responsibility!
Snoopervising is very important. How'd it go?
Earl Grey
That is good of your mom to give you this responsibility. My female human starts working tomorrow and than I am the boss of house and garden and the postbox.
Max, I am sure you are doing a great job as house boss. That sure is a great responsibility. Keep a good lookout on your property cause Mom really likes what you see out your window.
George: I have found my twin nose and I think we look quite alike. Please come and check us out and see what you think.
Congrats on your promotion Max!
Good work, we could use a mancat around this place save me having to do all the that stuff. FAZ
My mommy has never said that to me. Moooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmmmmm!
You'll do a great job Max!
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