I Like Peanut Butter
Does anycat out there like peanut butter, 'cause I DO!
But she never lets me have too much 'cause she's afraid I'll have "litterbox issues", if you know what I mean!
Also, too much peanut butter can be fattening and I need to watch my girlish figure!
None of our cats have tried peanut butter. Never expressed an interest in it. I wonder if any other cats out there like it like you do?
Tazo and EG have never had peanutbutter. I, though, am a huge fan. I get to lick the spoon or knife, too. It's very tasty.
I have the same issues with cheese...
Must try peanut butter, though.
Oh yes - we like peanut butter, well Pearl and I do, Bert doesn't like people food as much. Anyway, how could we not like it - it would be kind of wrong :-)
I've never tried that Misty. But I don't think we have any in our house since the LL is ahlurjik. It looks really tasty!
No, not me, don't care for the stuff. Mum likes to make peanut butter toast for breakfast on the weekend. I really don't care.
I do it's delicious :)
mamabeanie gave me some of that there stuffs the others nights on a piece of breads... i decided to play with it instead... beanie didn't like it too muchs...
Hey, I want to try peanut butter. I'm going to ask my Mom if I can have some. You sure make it look good. yum-yum
I've never been given the opportunity I know the dogs my human has had loved it!
I tink I should try dis stuff sometime. Misty, you makes it look furry good.
That's funny - you make it look like it tastes good! (Nope, I've never tried it.)
That peanut butter looks good Misty!
Your FL furiends,
You are really enjoying that peanut butter! I've never tried it. Maybe I'll get one of my humans to let me try some.
Wowww.... you do like adoring peanut butter~!!! Wowwww......
Wow! Looks yummy. I wonder if the Spice Cats will like it.
None of us have tried peanut butter cause My Mummy doesn't like it... But Isis has a problem with butter knives - she can't see one and not lick it clean! ;) This has caused problems at the breakfast table a few times... :)
I missed yoo at da ham party over at Miles last night, and yoo don't hafta worry bout yoor figure cuz yoo look good!~Speedy
Yes, peanut butter is good! So are peanuts but yoo know what is da best...cashews! Mmm mmm good.~Sadie
I LOVES the p-nut butter! The only problem is after you eat some, you have to lick, lick, lick, lick, lick, lick, lick your lips. Then lick some more.
Hmm we never tried it but Momma's wooffie Sandy who went to the rainbow bridge 10 years ago LOVED peanut butter. Momma used to get as much enjoyment out of watching her eat it as Sandy did licking it!~Queen Snickers
I've never had it, but I know the doggies sure do love it!
It is high in iron and protein too.
Mom is a nutrition fanatic and likes PB buuuut we don't care for it.
These are great shots of you ejoying PB!!!
Love it!!!!
ps - come and visit me!
Hmmmm nefurr tried it, but it looks like it must be good.
Hmmmm....I don't know. I've never tried it. My daddy likes it, but he never gives us kitties a taste of his foods.
And my mommy says she loves it, but she's 'lergic and it could kill her!!! Maybe if daddy brings her some almond butter when he comes home I'll just try that.
Isn't the shirt great? I really need to make her wear it more often!!! And make more of them!
Mmm. Peanut butter! I like it too!
Mommy Bean says that she used to have a kitty that was gone before me named Scraps. He LOVED peanut butters so much that mom barely gotted the jar out from the cabinet and he woulds come runnings! And just like you Misty, he ated spoonfuls of it.
I haven't tried that, but think it sounds good, specially if it has budder in it!!
Thanks for stopping by by site!
I can't believe you eat peanut butter?!?!?? That does not sound good to me at all. Sounds very sticky!
Have a great week!
I've never tried Peanut Butter but I like to try new things so I'm gonna ask mom to let me try some.
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