An Open Toybox
Goody, maybe I can find some feather-butt mousies in here.
(digs around with paw) Darn. I see one right there, but (ooof) I just can't quite reach it.
Hmmm, here's one of Max's flying feathers, but I really wanted that feather-butt! Oh well...I'll have to wait for Mom to get it for me. (wanders off)
Hey!! Who's been playing with my feather and left it out?!
A whole box full of toys? Can we teleport over and play one day with you guys? We got 1 feather stick and 2 nip toys. Mommy is being mean!! Well actually if buy toys the woofie will get them and that won't be good.
Wow! You have a lot of toys! I don't think I've ever seen so many!
What a big toy box! I don't even have that many toys.
Wow - that's a lot of toys! That is soooooo coool! We thought our toy basket was great, but now we're jealous.
yous is lucky to have that toy box, my mommy has one in front of the couch...but she won'ts let me in it cause its her crochet stuff...but I likes that play stuff..well I have my toys still on the couch...she lets me keep them there.. :) meow...
your toy box looks full of lots of different things to play with. it's too bad that you weren't able to get the feather-butt mousie, misty. you would have had lots of fun!
lucy writes: thanks for the offer of fur. i need it. i'm COLD!
WOW!!! Look at all those toys! You have a little mystery on your paws.Heeheehee
Have lots of fun :)
Purrs Mickey
wow you haf a nice toy box - our is just cardboard
I didn't see who take it out~!
I am a secret keeper, hahaha~~
I really couldn't say Max. But nice toys you have!
Oh my gosh! Look at all those toys. We've been trying to get Mom to go get us a few new ones, but now we must start a whole new list!
You have a great big toybox :-0 Our (obviously deprived) kitties only have cardboard toyboxes. I better not let them see your post or I could be in big trouble with all of them :-0
Digging around in the toybox is lots of fun! I think you might have a bigger toybox than me.
Ha ha ha! Wow, I wish I had a toy box like that!
Misty did it Max, I saw her pull out the feather! In her defense she didn't mean too, she wanted the butt-feather - a whole big mis-understanding.
I want a toy box too! Momma keeps my toys in a big shoe box, but it is in the closet and without opposable thumbs, well...
I am SOL!
Anyhow, thanks for dropping by our blog. And Max has a itty, bitty kitty mustache like me. People say I ahve a Hilter mustache, but i prefer to say it is a kitty smudge-stasch.
Hope y'all are doing okay, staying warm and enjoying some scratches under the chin.
Love Mugsy
And Melech
Wow look at all the toys! Looks like fun! We just wanted to say hello and thank you for visiting!!!
Kodak, 3 Perf and Winton
Thank you Crew cats for adding me to you side links!
I have a toy basket. Every night I select a silver string from it and take it to Bernie during the night. Some nights I bring him three or four other things, then I jump on the bed and snuggle up against his legs so he can't move.
Blondie always puts all my offering to Bernie back in the basket in the morning. She is a real loon, but she comes with Bernie so I have to put up with her and her peculiar ways.
Hey, you have a bigger toy box than we do.
jans funny farm
Wow that is a ton of toys!! You guys must be constantly busy playing!
Look like a pirate box full of loot!
Hi my sweet Misty! We haf some fevver butts around, um, I think I left one behind da couch. Wanna come over and play? We can also lay in da front windows and watch effuryone shovel snow, that is always fun!~Speedy
That is a big toy box. We used to haf a cardboard box but we chewed it up, so now all our toys are kept in the bottom of the cat tree.
Wow, what a lot of toys you guys have! I only have one ball.
You guys have a nice toy box. I like those feathers that Max likes.
Mommy puts one on me as a boa sometimes.I'd rather play with it than wear it, though.
Ha ha! What a great box of toys! Many thanks for stopping by my blog while I've been in surgery, recovery, and diagnosis. It's encouraging to have such good friends during this difficult time. Purrs!
Very cool box for toys! Ours is made of cardboard! ;)
That is an interessting box!!
What a great BIG box of toys!!! I just have a tiny basket. Valentines Day is coming, they better show me some toy love!!!
Nice feather. But I thought i had a lot of toys till I saw how big your toybox is! Wow!
Nice toy box!!!! I don't know why da momee here nevfur thought about a toy box fur us. She justee callz da place under da coffee tabull a toy box. Hmmmmm. I see where da quality of care iz. I yam comin' oevfur if dat iz OK. I woulds like to stay wit you until da momee here gets da message.
Ooh your toy box looks quite a lot like mine, eer well my boy's lego box! It has the bestest toys in, those little lego men are my fave! :)
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