Just Doing My Job, Thanks
Max, get down!!! That mirror shelf isn't meant to hold that much weight.
Are you insinuating that I'm FAT and might break this shelf?!!!
This is my Mancat Monday pose, and for your information, I'm merely checking Dad's work and making sure he hung the mirror properly.
And this isn't the time to discuss my weight, which, by the way, is FINE!!!!
Be careful, Max! If you break a mirror you might have bad luck!
If it breaks, it was clearly not installed well...
You don't look fat to me. If you ever break that shelf it's clearly because your beans bought an inferior product!
f-a-t?? NEVER! Muscular? YES!!
The audacity of your human! x
Well! Dey shoulda got a mirror shelf dat would hold a kitties weight and dat is not yoor fault dat dey din't. Misty, sweety, I know yoo haf long legs! I love yoor long legs, but, I'd love yoo effun if yoo had short legs, wide legs or twisty legs! Actually, dad's boots don't smell dat bad. I kinda like da way da beans shoes smell...am I weerd?~Speedy
How could they call my boy twin fat???
Merooooooooooo?? (That's my proper greeting.)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I get scolded for checking out the countertops to see if they are clean. I mean, restaurants have inspectors, right? SO why shouldn't I???
The Shadow Princess
you tell em! it is mancat monday, you do as you wish!
fanks for coming to our birthday party at the weekend xxxx
If it falls downed, then it wasn't put in place rights. It would has nothing to do withs holding much.
A mancat has to check the beans work in order to be a good snoopervisor! It looks like it was fastened correctly.
yes a mancat needs to check the werk that was done. and you're not that fat. why would they put up something that does not hold alot of weight in the bathroom? that's just silly.
You must snoopervise and do quality control on everything your beans do. Don't they understand that?
You do good QC, Max. And you're not fat!!!
That was clearly an insult!!! And totally unjustified!
Oh Max! What a precarious perch! Your balance is remarkable! I'm sorry you felt insulted, but it's clear to all of us that you were doing a very important job, and doing it very well!
Also I'm supposed to pass along that Mattingly has a special message to Tipper over on our blog. Sheesh... I can't just leave my special guy one comment without having to share with Mattingly!
Looks purrfectly safe to us!
not fat, but meez is so skinny and "narrow" and yous have that manzy fur coat I would let you curl up next to me...meow
Oh Max, why do beans always say things like that? I've been hearing that "diet" word all evening. :(
Was the mirror hung properly?
It seems you have the same job as my housemate Tigmut'hep - if something can take his weight it's fine for us to stand on! ;)
You certainly are not fat Max, don't worry!! We are glad it didn't fall on you, as others have said..it's bad luck.
I think you look good. Not to fat, not to thin.
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