No One's on Mouse Duty
EEEEKKKKKK!!! 4 cats in this house and I fine a LIVE mouse running around in the family room?! What's going on here Crew?
GEORGE do know this is my day off, right? I work hard all week. Don't I deserve a day off?
Well, isn't one of you supposed to be on duty at all times? Who's on mouse duty today?
Not me!
(shrugs shoulders) I don't know. I just came down from upstairs to see what you're shouting about.
(Asleep on his top perch, stretches & cracks one eye open) I think I got the last mouse.
Um.......I was over at Speedy's. Did I have mouse duty today?
Fine...I'll get it MYSELF!!!
Uh, oh. We think Temptations may be in jeopardy!
Sometimes you don't always want to play NOW. I'm sure you guys would have gotten the mouse eventually...
I think you need to put up a schedule so no mouse gets left behind!
P.S. Can I have the tail when you are done?
We fink yoo should let it play. Then we cud send Jake over to playplayplay wif it, so then it would go ded. Yoo all could nap then.
Weren't you excited about the mousie? I have never even SEEN a real, live mousie. Just toys.
Uh-oh. When Mom has to get it, you know you're in trouble.
haha Momma is all squeely, that is so neat to see a real live mousie!!
I mean she has seen them at pet stores and loves their little rabbit whiskers but never seen a wild one and she says they iz just as cute! :)
I wouldn't know what to do with it if I'z saw it :)
Uh, guys, isn't it a little embarrassing to have a picture of a real live mousie on your blog? You really do need to make a schedule. Someone needs to be on mouse patrol at all times.
That's a pretty brazen mouse to hang around where four kitties live and be in plain sight long enough for mom to take a picture of it. Clearly that mouse is just plain crazy. I wouldn't touch it either.
I have never seen a real live mousie before. What are they like?
Oooh, my mom would freak out if a mouse was running around in our house. She knows they are in the attic, but me and my sisters keep them out of our house.
We'll get it -- we'll get it! Meeeoowwrrrrr.
Come on ofur for an award from us after yoo get frew wif all dat acitement of da mousie in da howsie.
He's such a cute little fella, you aren't going to hurt him are you? - Wait I must be channeling Mommy.
Mum just says bad words if she sees a live mousie. She won't take pictures until it is deaded. But the last time I let her know at 4 AM that we had an invader. I got him a day later!
Oops, I appoligize fur distracting Misty from mouse her defence she really purred good on our mom and made her feel better. Oh, Zippy sez if you'd like she'll come over and dispatch dat mouse right quick.~Speedy
Huh. That's like the conversations Mommy and me have about the bugs. I wish we had mousies. I think they would be way more fun than bugs!
Thanks for the birthday wishes! I think I'll take you up on the offer of the drink. I also think we need to have house-trashin'! My peoples are going away AGAIN in a couple weeks, maybe even twice. We're gonna destroy the place and play all weekend!
Mousies are very cute, but no mouse would get past Mitzi I'm afraid!
Purrs, Sukie x
My miewmie caughted a mousie by his tail and then let him go outside after I had spent ages catching him. You definately needs a wota guys. You are cats. You is supposed to get mouses !!
Hi Crew, I am going to all the blogs on our list to let you know that we are deleting "Les Trois Chats." Momma is too busy to let us blog anymore - she has had a hard time blogging for herself even. We are actually now Les Quatre Chats anyway as we added LOLA in June, who is a POOP and has put me to shame as the alpha cat around here... even though, yes, she's a GIRL. (I know, SO emasculating! I need a treat or twenty to comfort me...)
We so enjoyed our time with all of you. Au revoir, les amis,
You guys definitely need to set up a mouse patrol schedule.The humans complain when we kill things, but they hate to have to chase mice down themselves.
I haven't seen a real mouse before...
will you catch it?
Who got it???
I think one of you should have killed the mousie for your Mom!
I thought cats liked chasing mice. With four cats, I'd think they'd be all over it and fighting for it. Apparently, I'm wrong.
Gee, we would all fight ta see who could get that mousie!
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