Getting a Better View
Misty, get out of the blinds!
Mom, you don't understand. I have to be in here. Its the only way I can see outside!
You know Mist, you guys keep wrecking the blinds 'cause you're always sticking your heads in there and climbing in them.
Would you mind opening the blinds for me so I can get a better view? that better?
Yes, why can't you leave them up all the time?!
(sigh) That sort of defeats the purpose of having blinds to begin with, doesn't it?
You're a clever girl Misty. A problem solver!:)
Misty, we don't like blinds either. At least you can get your head through your blinds....ours are matchstick. And really what is the point of blinds anyway!
~The Creek Cats~
Ha ha! We get through our blinds because they are upright. We leave a lot of dirty furs on them all the time!
Purrs, Sukie x
We broked all of our mini-blinds in Florida several times before Mom finally figured out to open the bottom during the day. We do not mind them closed at night.
I'm glad to see your cats rule too!
Ah, thanks for the clue. I've been wondering how to get in there behind those blinds!
Good job, Misty! hee hee
We think you are very logical and rational. Our humans should open all doors and blinds for us, all the time.
Abby & Stygia
Misty, I get in trouble for climbing through the blinds, too.
Hehehe momma has to leave the blinds on the back windows part up all the time or we mess them up too!
Hehe, I do that all the time. I have even chewed off all the blinds on the bottom so I don't have to wait for Mommie to open them anymore. Once you chew them off, they are lotsa fun ta bat around on the floor too.
Oh Misty I would have been rained on for that.. that is a BIg BIG no no here.. but on the other hand Momma does leave strategic blinds pulled up just a little so we can sit on the ,edge and look out...
Ohhh you is a spoilt girl!! :)
Aren't blind PUT there for our entertainment? I think it's fun destroying them.
~Meg >^..^<
We always thought those were a game?! The beans actually use them?javascript:void(0)
Bean never understand! Keep goin in dem, theyll learn to leave em up a wee bit sooner or later! hehe
I think your Mom should just leave them up. You cats need access to the windows!
Mum doesn't like those things so I don't have to deal with them. Mum says the neighbors aren't close enough that we gotta have them.
You should have your mom put up vertical blinds instead. We have them and they're easer to poke your head through.
You should have your mom put up vertical blinds instead. We have them and they're easer to poke your head through.
And if Misty is like Praline, once you open the blinds, she leaves!
Maybe you should get curtains.
If they still won't leave the blinds up, chew on the string thingies that hold them together. That usually works. People say fun words, too!
Blinds are stoopid...but mom sez wifout dem da naybors could see her ratty pajamas! Who cares, we want to see out.
Thats why we like cutains. Ya can get inside them and not block the looki-from-outside.
Misty, my sister actually bites on ours--even when they're not in her way! I hope you don't do that.
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