Views on life and the adventures of 4 cats - George, Tipper, Max & Misty, collectively known as "The Crew"
Monday, June 02, 2008
My Most Embarassing Moment
Geez...thanks a lot, Mom!!!! Did you have to show the WHOLE WORLD a picture of me in the box?! And then to top that off, you went and told everyone I don't COVER good enough?!
Oh, this is just awful. What if Harlie sees that picture?! What will she think? This is so embarassing!!
Oh Max, it wasn't very nice of your mom to take pictures of you while you were in the litter box. We think you should tell her to be grateful that you use the litter box at all, who covers what and how well is just not as important as where you go, if you get what I mean. I say this because my geezer sister Kali is having a fight with mom over the need to use the box at all. She thinks that the carpet is just find for her. ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRgh! That's mom finding another of Kali's um presents.
Max every cat knows that humans have no respect and they are more embarrassed for us that our human showed their failings than they are about anything we did...
I think Max the Psychokitty has the right idea, Max. Still, your Mom did embarass you quite a bit. I am sure that Harlie will understand that you had no choice in the matter.
The Beins are fascinated by our litterbox use. I been "exposed" that way a coupla times. Just ignore them. Better yet, learn ta use the camera an take a picture of the Beins on THEIR LITTERBOX!
Oh my! That is embarrassing. However, instead of hiding, I think you should plot revenge! Seriously.
Oh that just isn't right, to tell everybody a thing like that!
Don't go and hide though, Everybody will understand that your privacy was intruded upon unfairly.
Purrs, Sukie X
Oh Max, it wasn't very nice of your mom to take pictures of you while you were in the litter box. We think you should tell her to be grateful that you use the litter box at all, who covers what and how well is just not as important as where you go, if you get what I mean. I say this because my geezer sister Kali is having a fight with mom over the need to use the box at all. She thinks that the carpet is just find for her.
ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRgh! That's mom finding another of Kali's um presents.
Max every cat knows that humans have no respect and they are more embarrassed for us that our human showed their failings than they are about anything we did...
Max you look very mad at your mum and deservidly so.
Everybody poops, doood. Might as well embrace it and just be all out there with it...
I think Max the Psychokitty has the right idea, Max. Still, your Mom did embarass you quite a bit. I am sure that Harlie will understand that you had no choice in the matter.
Maybe you should change your name or alter the way you look to avoid further incidents like this?!
Oh dear, well don't be too upset. Mommy is always taking pictures of us in....awkward positions!
There are some fings dat shud be prwyvate, and dat is one of em.I attend to all my needs owtside, dat way dere are no embrassing famly fotos !!
Max, do not worry! I think Harlie will just see that you have good litter-box habits.
Well at least you got to do a neat review!!
Mom's are *always doing stuff like that! I wouldn't worry too much ...
The Beins are fascinated by our litterbox use. I been "exposed" that way a coupla times. Just ignore them. Better yet, learn ta use the camera an take a picture of the Beins on THEIR LITTERBOX!
Just tell your Mom that she should be happy that you "think inside the box!"
Picture of you in the box! Oh my, how dear they photo you doing your business!!
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