Monday, November 20, 2006

My Room is Being Worked On!


I find it hard to believe that after 9 1/2 years of training, my people still won't do what I want them to do! It's very frustrating.

You all know I've been waiting for Dad to help me work on my relaxation room. I told him that my friends have been asking about it and he said "Yes, we'll work on your room soon, George" or "Dad's too tired, George" or "Dad's leg hurts, George". Always, always some excuse for why things aren't done!

Well, that all changed yesterday. Can you believe it? Finally Dad and I worked downstairs moving things around, putting furniture in place and getting my room ready. And none too soon, I might add since I heard a rumor that the dogs are coming over soon.

So we now have a comfy couch with, of course, a blanket, a reclining chair, a bookcase and a television. But when Dad plugged that in, there was no picture. He said something about rabbit ears. Just what do rabbits have to do with me being able to watch my favorite shows without the dogs bothering me?

Then he suggested that since there're no windows in the basement where I can look out and watch birdies and squirrels and such, that we get some pictures of them to hang up. So Mom, please start looking for some nice pictures for my room.


At November 20, 2006 12:05 PM, Blogger Victor Tabbycat said...

Yeah! Yur gettin yur room ready! I fink our TV has rabbit ears too for "local" channels. I don't get it; the dish is on the roof - how much more local can it get?

At November 20, 2006 12:07 PM, Blogger Victor Tabbycat said...

George, don't let up on yur bean training just cuz you got sum results. I've been workin mine fur 9.5 years, too, an I fink it's a lifetime job. Now, when the dogs come, make sure there's a gate acrost the door, not just the door shut. We felines object to shut doors, but we can get ofur a gate.

At November 20, 2006 12:57 PM, Blogger Gemini said...

Oh does this mean that you'll be having parties George? You do have your own room!

At November 20, 2006 3:37 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That sounds like a really nice recreation room, George. Have lots of fun in it.

At November 20, 2006 6:12 PM, Blogger The Meezers or Billy said...

all right! the recreation room is almost ready! is you gonna haf a party when it's all ready?

At November 20, 2006 9:45 PM, Blogger Ivan from WMD said...

Rabbits on the tv? George, I think your dad must not be feeling well. Besides, since you had to wait so long for your relaxation room, you deserve premium channels!

At November 20, 2006 11:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

rabbits is fun ta play wif an fun ta watch an if they help the TV work too, then that's prolly all ya need fur a good time - lots an lots of rabbits.

At November 21, 2006 6:08 AM, Blogger Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Yoo get yer own room??? We haf to share wiv the beans.Duz that mean parties efurry night? We'll be ofurr as soon as it's reddy.


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